We are a For Sale By Owner Company, FSBO, We remodel homes and sell them primarily to first time home buyers in the Fort Worth Texas area utilizing FHA First Time Buyer Programs with Low Down Payment requirements.
Cash Farms is a family owned grain farming business located in Cloverdale, Indiana.
Cash Farms located in Cloverdale Indiana is a grain farming business. The family also runs a cash for houses real estate investment business in Fort Worth Texas. Remodeled homes sold with low down payments and low monthly payments - Specializing in first time home buyers, and first time buyer programs for affordable housing in the Fort Worth / Dallas, Texas metroplex area utilizing all FHA, VA, and down payment assistance programs real estate realestate investor investment divorce will closing cost re-hab rehab remoleled affordable housing income FHA VA all cash buy purchased purchase first time buyer buyers tarrant parker texas heb metroplex bedford azle lake worth haltom city white settlement forest hill everman euless watauga county dallas fort worth ft. condition payment Alan Cash sell direct buy fsbo for sale by owner commissions monthly payments down payment real estate realestate investor investment divorce will closing cost re-hab rehab remoleled affordable housing income FHA VA all cash buy houses homes purchased purchase first time buyer buyers tarrant parker texas heb metroplex bedford azle lake worth haltom city white settlement forest hill everman euless watauga county dallas fort worth ft. condition payment Alan Cash sell direct buy fsbo for sale by owner commissions monthly payments down payment real estate realestate investor investment divorce will closing cost re-hab rehab remoleled affordable housing income FHA VA buy houses purchased purchase first time buyer buyers home homes tarrant parker texas heb metroplex bedford azle lake worth haltom city white settlement forest hill everman euless watauga county dallas fort worth ft. condition payment Alan Cash sell direct buy fsbo for sale by owner commissions monthly payments down
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